Unidentified 3-4 cy Herring, 21-29.01.07

Publié le par Stéphane Aubry (stephane_aubry@bluewin.ch)

Three days after the storm "Kyrill", on Sunday 21th January 07 at Biel/Bienne (BE, Switzerland), Manuel Schweizer and myself discovered a 3-4 cy Herring Gull that we suspect to be a American one.

During one week, about 15000 pages have been seen on my website and despite several received comments, "our" bird remains unidentified with certainty.

If you cannot look at the pics on gull-watching.com, please click here !

Publié dans gull-watching

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Hi Stéphane - je ne sais pas ce que c'est qu'une "Kanadamöwe" (cf. les mail sur club300), mais je suppose qu'il s'agit d'un larus smithsonianus  (2ème hiver?). J'espère qu'il restera encore qqs jours!